CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Corporate Insights, Investor Relations CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights, Investor Relations CommPRO Editorial

The Biggest Challenges in The Fintech Industry

Innovations in the financial technology (fintech) industry are changing how individuals, businesses, and banks handle, move, and use money. These innovations and solutions have changed how we engage with money. Even with how successful players in this industry have been in recent years, they still must face and overcome some challenges. Here are some of those challenges.

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Blockchain Brian Wallace Blockchain Brian Wallace

3 Ways Blockchain Has Improved Our Lifestyle

Given its inherent capabilities for immutable, transparent, decentralized, and extremely efficient ways of recording and exchanging data and transactions, blockchain is fundamentally altering practically every business. This has major implications for businesses, including managing the global supply chain, executing interbank transactions, and even purchasing and the sale of the property.

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That Said with Michael Zeldin Michael Zeldin That Said with Michael Zeldin Michael Zeldin

A Conversation with Hugh Eakin, Author, 'Picasso’s War; How Modern Art Came to America.' With Special Guest Professor Philip Eliasoph

Join Michael in his discussion with Hugh Eakin about his new book Picasso’s War, How Modern Art Came to America which recounts the determined effort of a tiny group of people who, for nearly 30 years, fought to bring modern art to the United States impeded by war, economic crises, and a deeply skeptical public.

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Active Listening CommPRO Editorial Active Listening CommPRO Editorial

Welcome to the Active Listening Channel

How good of a listener are you? Do you truly hear and understand what your colleagues, customers, friends or family really want? Frankly, people are just not good listeners. We always get very excited about what we can say or do next that we sometimes forget to be in the moment and listen and learn from what we can hear from others.

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Active Listening CommPRO Editorial Active Listening CommPRO Editorial

How You Can Become a Better Listener

Have you ever spoken to someone who dismissed everything you said? With all the distractions around us, sometimes the people we talk to may not be listening to us at the moment. Maybe they are trying to multitask. But no matter the reason, being ignored can leave us feeling rejected and unimportant.

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Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch

Marketing Must Fight Fakes

I recently received LinkedIn connection invitations from two different recruiters – It’s nice to be wanted; although, it’s nicer when the people pursuing you actually exist, which I’m certain wasn’t the case for either.  As rapidly advancing technology helps blur lines between fact and fiction, does marketing have any obligation to stand for truth?

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

11 Biggest Takeaways from Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference

The 2022 Future of Communications Conference gathered hundreds of communications professionals at the Edison Ballroom in New York City, New York to refine and align their strategies around moving from order takers to strategic advisors whose judgment is material to the growth and success of their organizations. Attendees had the opportunity to brainstorm, reconnect with colleagues, make new friends and learn real-world tips and tactics from dozens of leading communicators.

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Corporate Insights Ken Rogers Corporate Insights Ken Rogers

Creating a Smooth Customer Experience in Digital Banking

Customer service and digital banking have advanced significantly. Our daily lives are being revolutionized by technology, which is always evolving. In nearly every sector, it has been standard practice to adapt to the constantly changing environment, cutting-edge competitors, and changing client expectations. One of the earliest sectors to embrace technological improvements in the banking industry. Since the banking sector plays a significant role in the economy, it stands at the pinnacle of digitalization. 

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Social Media Marketing Jill Kurtz Social Media Marketing Jill Kurtz

Tips to Make Your Website Accessible

Accessibility is about improving the web experience for everyone. Accessibility barriers make it difficult or impossible for visitors who are blind, deaf, hard of hearing, or disabled to use your site.

WebAIM analyzed one million homepages for accessibility issues and found that 98% of websites had at least one Web Content Accessibility Guidelines failure on their homepage.

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Internal Communications Amira Barger Internal Communications Amira Barger

How to Challenge Glass Cliffs and Codify Your Archetype

Having women in top leadership roles is more important than ever. Women occupy more than half of management roles and are most often the leaders supporting well-being of employees through diversity, equity & inclusion. Yet, we are passed over for c-suite roles and find difficulty in being supported by networks that shift our trajectories towards c-suite placement AND c-suite success – “and” being the operative word. This is particularly true in the world of public relations where near80% of CEO positions are occupied by men.

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Leadership & Careers Ken Rogers Leadership & Careers Ken Rogers

4 Translation Tips For Better Employee Engagement In Internal Training

The quest by employers to create a better work culture, reduce staff turnover, increase productivity and build better work and customer relationships are the reasons why they take employee engagement seriously. Employee engagement helps put effective strategies in place to impact company profits positively. For a company that embraces cultural diversity, more success will be achieved if the employee handbooks were translated into the languages of other employees whose first languages are not the same as the company’s official language. Here are some translation tips for better employee engagement.

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Strategic Public Relations CommPRO Editorial Strategic Public Relations CommPRO Editorial

Welcome to the Strategic Public Relations Channel, presented by the Graduate School of Political Management at GWU (VIDEO)

Are you looking to develop compelling messages that influence audiences and create change? If you are ready to update your PR and communications playbook, a master's degree in Strategic Public Relations from The George Washington University equips you to shape the dynamic messages needed in the 21st century.

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